Friday, April 11, 2008

Yield Keyword

You use yield to return values many times from one method call. The test below shows how this can be done: (Notice the first line uses a Collection Initializer)
private List<string> Names = new List<string>() { "Mark", "Matt" };

public void RunLoopWithYield()
    string output = string.Empty;

    foreach (string yieldedValue in ReturnOneNameAtATime())
        output += yieldedValue;

    Assert.AreEqual("Start_Mark_Matt_End", output);

private IEnumerable<string> ReturnOneNameAtATime()
    // Return this first and then come back.
    yield return "Start_";

    foreach (string name in Names)
        // Return one name at a time.
        yield return name + "_";

    // Return this last but come back one last time
    // to actually exit method.
    yield return "End";
See how the path of execution is different with the yield statements: