XML with namespace:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <MyDataSet xmlns="http://tempuri.org/MyDataSet.xsd"> <Person> <PersonId>1</PersonId> <PersonName>Mark</PersonName> </Person> <Person> <PersonId>2</PersonId> <PersonName>Matt</PersonName> </Person> </MyDataSet>Querying the XML:
XDocument ds = XDocument.Load(Resources.SimpleXmlFileWithNamespacePath); XNamespace ns = "http://tempuri.org/MyDataSet.xsd"; XName xNamePerson = ns + "Person"; XName xNamePersonName = ns + "PersonName"; var personNames = from person in ds.Descendants(xNamePerson) select new { PersonName = person.Element(xNamePersonName).Value };The XName class provides a way to combine a namespace and an element name.
More Info: MSDN: XNamespace Class
MSDN: XName Class